Using List.js is pretty much plug and play, but you can change some options if you feel like it.
new List(id/element, options, values);
options Object, default: undefined
Some of the option parameters are required at some times
valueNames Array, default: null. *required
If the list contains items on initialization, then this array
has to contain the value names (class names) for the different values of
each list item.
<ul class="list">
<span class="name">Jonny</span>
<span class="city">Sundsvall</span>
var valueNames = ['name', 'city'];
<ul class="list">
<li data-id="1">
<a href="" class="link name">Jonny</a>
<p class="born timestamp" data-timestamp="1234">1986</p>
<img class="image" src="javve.jpg" />
var valueNames = [
{ data: ['id'] },
{ name: 'timestamp', attr: 'data-timestamp' },
{ name: 'link', attr: 'href' },
{ name: 'image', attr: 'src' }
item String, default: undefined
ID to item template element or a string of HTML. Can also be a function which receives a values
object and which must return the complete item's HTML as a string.
var options = {
item: "<li><span class='name'></span><span class='city'></span></li>"
// or
var options = {
item: 'cool-item-id'
// or
var options = {
item: function(values) {
return `<li><span class='name'>${}</span><span class='city'>${}</span></li>`;
listClass String, default: "list"
What is the class of the list-container?
searchClass String, default: "search"
What is the class of the search field?
searchColumns Array of strings, default: undefined
Restrict searching to just these column names? Default is to search all columns.
searchDelay Int default: 0
Delay in milliseconds after last keypress in search field before search starts. 250→750 is good for very large lists.
sortClass String, default: "sort"
What is the class of the sort buttons?
indexAsync Boolean, default: false
If there are already items in the list to which the
List.js-script is added, then should the indexing be done
in a asynchronous way? Good for large lists (> 500 items).
page Int, default: 200
Defines how many items that should be visible at the same time. This affects
i Int, default: 1
Which item should be shown as the first one.
pagination Boolean, default: undefined
Read more here.
values Array of objects, default: undefined
Values to add to the list on initialization.
The element node that contains the entire list area.
The items matching the currently active filter and search.
add(values, callback)
Adds one or more items to the list.
listObj.add({ name: "Jonny", city: "Stockholm" });
{ name: "Gustaf", city: "Sundsvall" }
, { name: "Jonas", city: "Berlin" }
If callback
is set then items are added to the list in a asynchronous way, and the
callback is called when all items are added. This is especially useful
when adding very many items (200+ or something), or if you just like the
asynchronous coding style.
listObj.add(arrayWithManyManyItems, function(items) {
console.log('All ' + items.length + ' were added!');
remove(valueName, value)
Removes items from the list where the value named valueName
has value value
Returns the number of items that where removed.
itemsInList = [
{ id: 1, name: "Jonny" }
, { id: 2, name "Gustaf" }
listObj.remove("id", 1); // return 1
get(valueName, value)
Returns values from the list where the value named valueName
has value value
itemsInList = [
{ id: 1, name: "Jonny" }
, { id: 2, name "Gustaf" }
listObj.get("id", 2); // return { id: 2, name "Gustaf" }
sort(valueName, {
order: 'desc',
alphabet: undefined,
insensitive: true,
sortFunction: undefined
Sorts the list based on values the in the column named valueName
The alphabet
option is used when you have non-english alphabet
where which JavaScript don't know how to sort some characters by default.
The default sort function is found here, if you want to use your own, read the code and check out the tests.
listObj.sort('name', { order: "asc" }); // Sorts the list in abc-order based on names
listObj.sort('name', { order: "desc" }); // Sorts the list in zxy-order based on names
// Sort swedish characters correcly, case-insensitive.
listObj.sort('name', { alphabet: "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVXYZÅÄÖabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvxyzåäö" });
// Sort swedish characters correcly, case-sensitive.
listObj.sort('name', { alphabet: "AaBbCcDdEeFfGgHhIiJjKkLlMmNnOoPpQqRrSsTtUuVvXxYyZzÅåÄäÖö" });
// Alphabet could also be on the actual listObj via
listObj.alphabet = "AaBbCcDdEeFfGgHhIiJjKkLlMmNnOoPpQqRrSsTtUuVvXxYyZzÅåÄäÖö";
search(searchString, columns, searchFunction)
Searches the list
itemsInList = [
{ id: 1, name: "Jonny Stromberg", born: 1986 }
, { id: 2, name "Jonas Arnklint", born: 1985 }
, { id: 3, name "Martina Elm", born: 1986 }
, { id: 4, name "Gustaf Lindqvist", born: 1983 }
, { id: 5, name "Jonny Strandberg", born: 1990 }
];'Jonny'); // Only items with name Jonny are shown (also returns these items); // Show all items in list'Jonny', ['name']); // Only search in the 'name' column
Space-separated words match in any order using logical AND. Surround a phrase in quotes for exact matches:'Jon 198'); // Items that match Jon AND 198'"Jonny S" 1990'); // Items that match "Jonny S" AND 1990
Optionally your own search function can be used:'Jonny', searchFunction); // Custom search for Jonny'Jonny', ['name'], searchFunction); // Custom search in the 'name' column
function searchFunction(searchString, columns) {
for (var k = 0, kl = listObj.items.length; k < kl; k++) {
listObj.items[k].found = false;
// Insert your custom search logic here, set found = true
itemsInList = [
{ id: 1, name: "Jonny" }
, { id: 2, name "Gustaf" }
, { id: 3, name "Jonas" }
listObj.filter(function(item) {
if (item.values().id > 1) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
}); // Only items with id > 1 are shown in list
listObj.filter(); // Remove all filters
show(i, page)
Shows page
number of items from i
. Use for paging etc.
itemsInList = [
{ id: 1, name: "Jonny" }
, { id: 2, name "Gustaf" }
, { id: 3, name "Jonas" }
, { id: 4, name "Egon" }
, { id: 5, name "Frank" }
, { id: 6, name "Ester" }
];, 3); // Display item 4,5,6
Updates the current state of the list. Meaning that if you for instance
hides some items with the itemObj.hide()
method then you have to call listObj.update()
if you want the paging to update.
Re-index list from HTML. Good to use if the HTML has been changed by something
else than List.js.
Read more here
on(event, callback)
Execute callback
when list have been updated (triggered by update()
, which is used by a lot of methods). Use updated
as the event.